RiverClan Camp

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whiteflower 19 256 by moonstar
Jul 20, 2011 13:34:42 GMT -5


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RiverClan Camp
The RiverClan camp is an island situated in the middle of the river which gives the clan its name. This island is surrounded by reeds and its location makes it fairly easy to defend because invading clans are forced to attack from the water. Stepping stones provide slightly easier access for cats, particularly during winter months where dropping into the freezing river can mean death. However, after a heavy rain, the stepping stones - and the RiverClan camp - are often underwater. RiverClan has had a history of being forced to evacuate in heavy storms. As RiverClan primarily hunts fish, it is not difficult to hunt directly from camp. RiverClan dens are either structures of mud and reeds, as with the warrior and apprentice dens, or hollows made in thick clumps of reeds, as with all other dens.
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